Learning and growing in our faith, in our relationship with God, is a life-long endeavor. As children we learn the facts (at least some of them) of our faith, and as adults we live into the meaning of those facts. We don't "graduate" at Confirmation with our faith set for the rest of our lives. We continue to grow and mature in our faith as we do in other areas of our lives.
Like any good relationship our relationship with God continues to grow and deepen as we work at it and at times struggle with it. It is not automatic but it is very possible to "go deeper" with God and with our Catholic faith. "The definitive aim of [faith formation] is to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ." (NDC, #19B)
From our very beginnings our faith has been communal in nature. Our God comes to us not alone but rather as Trinity, as God in relationship, in community. Jesus gathered disciples around him and spread the faith through men and women. The early Christians gathered in houses to share stories of God, to share food, and to care for each other.
As human beings we are created in God's image, which means, at least in part, we are created to be in relationship with each other and with God. We learn our faith and build our relationships with God in community.
Our formation in the faith, both as adults and as children, is best done in community – with other believers. While there are times and circumstances which necessitate home schooling, whenever possible, we strongly encourage that we learn and celebrate our faith with others. Sacraments, especially, are social and communal by nature.
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Sunday mornings: 8:45 to 9:45 am
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Sunday evenings: 6:00 pm to 7:30pm.
The Collaborative Youth Group is open to all children in Grades 4-8. Meetings are held on the first Friday of each month from 5:30pm to 7:00pm in Saint Patrick Church Hall. Meetings include pizza, social activities, service projects, prayer and formation.
More information coming soon
Programs for adults and young adults vary depending on the need and interest expressed by the group Offerings are often correspond to the liturgical season.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) – for those adults interested in becoming Catholic, or those baptized as Catholic but have not received the other sacraments Adult Confirmation – for those Catholics who have received First Communion but have not been confirmed.
View Calendar
Dates for classes and sacraments. This info is in the parish faith formation calendar (on our homepage) as well. Syllabi – info on the chapter or event to be covered each week is available by grade level. Look under the specific grade.
Prayer List (PDF)
Words and instructions for many common Catholic prayers
* view the glossary
Common Catholic words and phrases taken from the student textbooks and other usage. Activities / Seasonal Ideas Ideas for individuals and families for building faith at home – both general and for liturgical seasons.